Sadal wrote:
Hoarding items in a Cabal HQ or other restricted area for yourself or another specific character to pick up at a later point is considered an attempt to circumvent the anti-hoarding code. If you no longer need an item and are leaving it in the HQ for any cabal mates to pick up and do with as they please that is fine, however telling other characters that items are saved for a specific character and to leave them alone is not acceptable.
I don't think this is enforceable. If people want to leave gear for a SPECIFIC character, they will likely just hit up that specific person on YIM, or email, or PM or some other out-of-game means and tell them about the gear they stashed for them.
It is also essentially a ban on language. According to what you've written, it seems like I could just say over cabal channels, "I left all that stuff there for ANYONE who needs heavy armor and is specialized in <whatever weapon>." Of course, we'd all know who I was talking about, but I didn't specifically mention them so that seems like it would be legal, according to what you've written.
Furthermore, it puts undue stress on the immortals who really want to catch hoarders. Are you really going to go through all these previous cabal chats to see if someone said, "Don't touch that stuff, I left it there for Frank." To me, leaving stuff in your cabal HQ for your previously looted comrades is pretty standard stuff, and it always has been.
This still needs clarification if it is something we want to stick with indefinitely.