ladyjennbo wrote:
evena wrote:
Sometime before Jennbo's swash and mine are age dead would be sexy. Thanks, D.
For real... nothing sucks worse than an aged swashie. Mercs and barbs get all these benefits now!!
Aging is not a horrible thing, and it does not make a character unplayable. For instance, the last paladin I played had -3 from max str, because I intended to play the character to age death. I did enough damage as it was. I'd probably use that same build on any swashbuckler I played as well. In fact I gave that advice to the player of Ayora since it's dead easy to get a +3 str mod for darkies. I also haven't maxed out dex since about 2004. There's just no reason. I think there's a lot of fun things you can do with builds anyway. I mean, Ayora had brilliant int naturally, which was probably overkill for a swashbuckler, but whatever. I live vicariously through some players.
Also I feel that one of the things that hurt swashbucklers is light armor. Not that they're forced to wear it, but the available light armor to wear is absolute crap compared to the amount of adamantite/diamond stuff that can be found out there. Mithril being the de facto good stuff for light armor classes typically has pieces that don't utilize the maximum value, and generally have terribad enchantments on them. If this stuff was brought up to snuff, then that'd go a long way to helping them out.