help file display
- summary
- game
- information
- communication
- movement
- object
- objects
- groups
- training
- combat
- magic
- religion
- death
- newbie
- newbies
- new
- action
- title
- affects
- attributes
- attribute
- att
- report
- score
- age
- aging
- alias
- aliases
- ansi
- color
- colour
- areas
- area
- armor penalty
- armor penalties
- skill penalty
- skill penalties
- spell penalty
- spell penalties
- armor2
- atone
- auto
- autolist
- bank
- banks
- balance
- deposit
- withdraw
- blemish
- board
- boards
- note
- notes
- bulletin
- brandish
- quaff
- recite
- zap
- buck
- dismount
- mount
- bug
- idea
- typo
- buy
- list
- sell
- value
- cast
- cb
- challenge
- duel
- close
- open
- lock
- unlock
- command
- commands
- compare
- conduct
- consider
- count
- sk-credits
- damage
- oracle
- death-quest
- riddle
- delete
- retire
- description
- desc
- direction
- directions
- north
- south
- east
- west
- up
- down
- northwest
- northeast
- southwest
- southeast
- disguise
- drink
- eat
- fill
- drop
- get
- give
- put
- take
- dying
- dead
- emote
- ,
- pemote
- `
- social
- socials
- @i
- @my
- enter
- portal
- equipment
- eq
- inventory
- inv
- examine
- look
- exit
- exits
- experience
- level
- xp
- extra
- extras
- fight
- fighting
- flee
- wimpy
- follow
- formation
- formations
- position
- positions
- free
- glance
- gods
- god
- immortals
- immortal
- pantheon
- greet
- group
- party
- say
- sayto
- yell
- talk
- healer
- help
- hold
- remove
- wear
- wield
- interaction
- junk
- kill
- land
- rest
- stand
- wake
- language
- speak
- write
- law
- laws
- learn
- learning
- legend1
- legend
- legend2
- map
- mode
- money
- multiplay
- multiplaying
- mplay
- mplaying
- mp
- mping
- name
- names
- news
- consecrate armor
- consecrate weapon
- consecrate item
- consecrate
- order
- outlaw
- outlaws
- jail
- crime
- paragon
- par
- password
- pet
- pets
- pray
- prayer
- prompt
- quit
- save
- recall
- release
- reload
- request
- rule
- rules
- policy
- policies
- rule1
- rules1
- scroll
- shattered kingdoms
- shatteredsk
- skill
- skills
- spell
- spells
- speed
- walk
- jog
- run
- trot
- gallop
- soar
- flit
- dart
- split
- stat
- stats
- statistics
- constitution
- con
- dexterity
- dex
- intelligence
- int
- intelligent
- strength
- str
- wisdom
- wis
- symbol
- tailor
- tick
- ticks
- time
- date
- train
- practice
- visible
- vis
- vt extend
- vt100
- vt
- weather
- who
- worth
- !
- adept
- adepts
- northern wastes
- northern
- wastes
- krychire
- alignment
- alignments
- principled
- scrupulous
- unprincipled
- anarchist
- aberrant
- miscreant
- diabolic
- ayamao
- ayamaoan
- cabal
- cabals
- centaur-culture
- yazze
- desapva
- mel'nas
- hostia
- idatsa-teh
- code
- druids of the wild reaches
- druid
- druids
- dulrik
- empire of the bright star
- empire
- bright
- star
- fists of the white swan
- fist
- hammer of light
- hammer
- harlequin
- harlequins
- kingdom
- kingdoms
- country
- countries
- midnight council
- midnight
- profession
- class
- classes
- mercenary
- swashbuckler
- swashbucklers
- barbarian
- priest
- paladin
- hellion
- shaman
- rogue
- scout
- bard
- sorceror
- sorcerer
- warlock
- necromancer
- race
- races
- centaur
- centaurs
- deep-elf
- deep-elves
- dwarf
- dwarves
- elf
- elves
- giant
- giants
- gnome
- gnomes
- griffon
- griffons
- half-elf
- half-elves
- halfling
- halflings
- human
- humans
- man
- sprite
- sprites
- sprite-culture
- bloodwing
- cloudrunner
- dusk-dancer
- green-sands
- springfoot
- sunspark
- water-song
- taslamar
- uxmal
- vow
- wilderness
- zhenshi
- acid blast
- airy water
- water breathing
- animate dead
- animate
- armor
- bless
- blindness
- bolt of glory
- bolt
- glory
- breath of life
- breath
- call lightning
- cause light
- cause serious
- cause critical
- causeharm
- chain lightning
- change sex
- charm person
- chill touch
- chill
- conjure elemental
- conjure
- elemental
- continual light
- continual
- control undead
- control weather
- create food
- create spring
- create water
- create
- cure blindness
- cure disease
- cure poison
- cure deafness
- cure light
- cure serious
- cure critical
- healing rays
- mass healing
- cureheal
- curse
- detect buried
- detect hidden
- detect invis
- detect magic
- detect poison
- detect
- dispel magic
- remove compulsion
- dispelcancellation
- domination
- earthquake
- enchant armor
- enchant weapon
- enchant item
- enchant
- energy drain
- energy
- drain
- enlarge
- shrink
- etherealform
- ethereal
- faerie fire
- faerie fog
- fear
- feeblemind
- final strike
- final
- strike
- finger of death
- finger
- flamestrike
- fly
- flying
- flight
- frenzy
- gate
- giant strength
- weaken
- haste
- slow
- hellfire
- holy word
- holy
- word
- identify
- infravision
- mass invis
- invis
- ironguard
- know alignment
- detect aura
- locate object
- magma spray
- magma
- spray
- spirit doll
- doll
- mirror image
- mirror
- image
- petrification
- depetrification
- plague
- poison
- polymorph
- protection
- raise dead
- raise
- recharge
- refresh
- regeneration
- regenerate
- remove curse
- resist elements
- resist
- elements
- resurrection
- rift
- sanctuary
- shield
- sleep
- spirit sight
- sight
- spear of faith
- spear
- faith
- spirit aura
- spirit horde
- stone skin
- summon
- teleport
- tongues
- understand
- vampiric touch
- vampiric
- ventriloquate
- voodoo
- spell ward
- ward
- word of recall
- ambush
- backstab
- bash
- berserk
- bow
- bows
- brawling
- brew
- scribe
- butcher
- camouflage
- camo
- circle stab
- circle
- cleave
- counterstrike
- crossbow
- crossbows
- dirt kicking
- dirt
- disarm
- dodge
- dual backstab
- dual wield
- endurance
- enhanced damage
- enhanced parry
- fast healing
- fletch
- haggle
- haggling
- herbalism
- herb
- herbs
- hide
- sneak
- kick
- meditation
- meditate
- parry
- peek
- pick lock
- pick
- rescue
- riposte
- scrolls
- staves
- wands
- scroll
- stave
- wand
- second attack
- self defense
- shield block
- skin
- steal
- plant
- swim
- tame
- taunt
- third attack
- fourth attack
- tracking
- track
- trance
- trip
- weapon
- weapons
- axe
- dagger
- exotic
- flail
- mace
- polearm
- staff
- sword
- whip
- boulder
- bow
- crossbow
- massive
- wild fighting
- reward
- reincarnate
- reincarnation
- holy symbol
- hero
- heroes
- hro
- shoot
- callisto
- kiev
- reghradk
- yopparai
- cyndre
- snare
- rapid shot
- pathfinding
- random
- roleplay
- roleplaying
- role
- play
- rp
- rping
- kirin
- status
- exorcism
- lighten load
- bury
- dig
- repair
- resize
- severen
- adjective
- blitzkrieg
- blitz
- aster
- head butt
- headbuttbutt
- fayne
- mood
- stance
- jalma
- abane
- rexor
- kijam
- akein
- damacon
- olrin
- seance
- manifest
- detect poison
- darken
- arkania
- draxius
- buxtehude
- lorias
- invest
- calabash
- blind fighting
- blind
- pyrathia
- realm
- realms
- world
- aludra
- reply
- tell
- gtell
- ;
- throw
- achernar
- intimidate
- sargas
- meissa
- enmity
- enmity2
- enmity3
- burning hands
- color spray
- fireball
- lightning bolt
- magic missile
- shocking grasp
- cone of cold
- alshain
- courage
- righteousness
- purification
- aim
- zavijah
- ain
- pantheist
- pantheism
- nashira
- elf-culture
- algorab
- thuban
- tribunal
- tribunals
- keeper
- keepers
- peacekeeper
- peacekeepers
- griffon-culture
- deaf
- deafness
- death shroud
- shroud
- retreat
- charisma
- cha
- dance
- tumbling
- tumble
- sing
- power chords
- c major
- f minor
- b augmented sixth
- chord
- chords
- skirmish
- auto fire
- lore
- stop
- persuade
- songs of protection
- songs of war
- songs of healing
- songs of death
- songs of magic
- songs of antimagic
- songs of sleep
- songs of dancing
- songs of silence
- countersongs
- light
- torch
- tinder
- tinderbox
- song
- songs
- ensemble
- teach
- concentrate
- concentration
- sadal
- sadr
- quest
- quests
- immigration
- deportate
- immigrate
- deport
- alertness
- climb
- use
- sextant
- size
- sizes
- tiny
- small
- medium
- large
- huge
- quiet
- banish
- banishment
- mira
- mystery
- talons
- talon
- magical vestment
- hamstring
- black hand
- council
- hand
- inn
- inns
- fury
- specialise
- specialize
- spec
- nospam
- faq
- guardian
- guardians
- call armor
- combat casting
- aura of negation
- negation
- aon
- negate
- contact
- contacts
- marfik
- spirit disorientation
- disorientation
- yed
- toughness
- rallying cry
- rally
- finesse
- mentor
- mentors
- art
- spellpower
- mentor-tips
- forum
- forums
- counterspell
- counterspells
- fatigue
- fatigued
- saving throw
- fortitude
- willpower
- reflex
- savesfort
- ref
- will
- connect
- enlighten
- enlightened
- enlightenment
- dabi
- siegecraft
- faction
- factions
- club
- clubs
- clan
- clans
- read
- book
- books
- sling
- note-help
- forumid
- vote
- votes
- tms
- outfit
- extinguish
- day
- days
- week
- calendar
- month
- months
- tithe
- coffers
- griffon-clans
- condition
- dogmatic
- minotaur
- minotaurs
- gore
- minotaur-culture
- rule2
- rules2
- crucible of shadows
- crucible
- magic resistance
- mr
- suppression
- suppress
- hit
- out-of-character
- in-character
- ooc
- ic
- ic2
- viltrax
- tagg
- forumid-reset
- poltergeist
- sales tax
- tax
- email
- loyalty token
- loyalty tokens
- loyalty
- token
- tokens
- stacking
- stacking examples
- stacking-examples
- leader
- leadership
- recruit
- syntax
- menegroth
- nerina
- exile
- sith'a'niel
- sith
- city
- cities
- teron
- kol's
- moot
- accessibility
- access
- oathbreaker flag
- oathbreaker
- juggle
- imperial legion
- legion
- legions
- kip up
- kipkip-up
- prone
- restoration
- tb
- hungry
- thirsty
- hedgehog stance
- hedgehog
- redeem
- heckle
- wolverine stance
- wolverine
- hero-qa
- punishment
- punishments
- aura
- hoard
- hoarding
- thief
- thieves
- dehoard
- dehoarding
- limited
- unlimited
- who2
- happy hour
- happy
- hour
- happy-hour-qa
- impair
- impaired
- impairment
- tribunal revival
- revival
- no-party
- accept
- decline
- party-member
- info
- leave
- party-leader
- rename
- destination
- advertise
- invite
- eject
- disband
- alert
- alerts
- evasion
- envenom
- streetwise
- question
- warpath
- phoenix heart
- phoenix
- heart
- insight
- vitality
- luck
- devotion
- hemorrhage
- accelerate healing
- energizer
- distort alignment
- distort
- true seeing
- confusion
- dispirit
- symbol of pain
- feast of fear
- feast
- interdiction
- paralyze
- elemental wall
- wall of air
- wall of earth
- wall of fire
- wall of water
- hoarder
- [h]
- hordr
- a
- b
- c
- d
- e
- f
- g
- h
- i
- j
- k
- l
- m
- n
- o
- p
- q
- r
- s
- t
- u
- v
- w
- x
- y
- z
displaying: 995 results